Alibaba is a marketplace for a business or individual to buy products at wholesale prices directly from manufacturers. It’s generally not an online store for the average person.
First, an entrepreneur needs to determine their niche. By choosing a niche, an entrepreneur can find a product category to browse.
Alibaba has a range of product categories from Apparel, Textiles & Accessories to Machinery, Industrial Parts & Tools.
Once you find a product you want to buy, you’ll need to reach out to several suppliers. In your conversations with suppliers, you’ll want to do 3 things:
1. Evaluate their responsiveness.
2. Negotiate prices.
3. Building a strong relationship with them.
You’ll agree on a price, then you can place your order. The inventory will arrive shortly afterwards and you’ll be able to start selling online.
Can Anybody Order from Alibaba?
Yes, anyone can order from Alibaba. Alibaba is the largest supplier directory where a single person can order directly from a manufacturer. But remember that Alibaba doesn’t make anything, they feature manufacturers who will work with both individuals and companies.
They’re essentially an online directory for manufacturers that you can reach out to and buy products from. You can negotiate price, minimum order quantity, shipping options and even sample prices.